Do YOU Take It For Granted?

4 min readOct 24, 2017

by Poly Postal Packaging Ltd.

We all know where the nearest post box is don’t we?…..

That little red box that we all see everyday in some way shape or form…..

Have you ever stopped to think about how much we take the postal service for granted?

We write, type and parcel up packages and leave them with the Royal Mail whither it be by posting in the bright red familiar boxes or taking to the nearest friendly Post Office. We chat, laugh (if we are lucky enough to get a friendly one!), then what happens? Well we get spoiled! Usually, the next day our letters and parcels arrive at their destination. Let’s be honest it is what we have come to expect now.

We don’t stop to think for a second on how it got there and how many people were involved in the journey. It is as if by magic our deliveries arrive. I mean, for goodness sake, you can even order by 6pm for same day delivery with one well known company! sheesh…. can you imagine if you got a request at the end of your working day at say 4.55pm, just as you were putting your coat on…. say no more!

It is not until the company employees decide to take action, for whatever reason, then we start to shout about our deliveries not arriving on time! Also, this usually happens around the times when we need them the most — we get angry, but, why take action to get noticed in the quiet season….right!

packaging solutions from Poly Postal Packaging Ltd.

We pay so much attention to the packaging that we use, the contents that go inside and the love and care given to the overall individual item. Then, when dropped off in the care of our chosen delivery carrier we disconnect and it’s out of our hands ~ only our expectations of arrival remain.

How many of you use Amazon “Prime” the next day delivery service? How many of you get annoyed when you can’t get that next day delivery service? Are we spoiled or what! The Royal Mail is and ‘always has been’ so loyal in may ways and yet they get so criticised ~ only as a result of our childish tantrums and behaviour, sometimes with unreasonable expectations.

Let’s be honest, would you enjoy working night shifts transporting packages and letters around the country. Can you imagine the stress levels!

It really is important that we support these services as much as we can.

Personally, I love seeing a nice brightly coloured mailing bag landing on the doormat or a lovely coloured envelope, better still a handwritten letter is so exciting ~ way better than reading an email — would you agree!

The lady next door often gets deliveries sent to us as she is out all day — she orders from the same place and her parcels look delightful — pastel coloured polka dot bags. I have no idea what’s in them, “never been brave enough to ask” — just know the deliveries look exciting! Packaging really does make a difference! If they had been dull boring old brown envelopes I wouldn’t even think twice about the company or the contents. On the other hand if they were custom printed I would know who they were and would probably go look them up! #justsaying

Jazz up your deliveries a little…..

For some great online packaging solutions please give us a visit and brighten up the posties’ day by adding some colour into the daily routine.

To make it simple really, don’t judge your daily postman until you have walked a mile in their shoes!

Chat again soon folks and thanks for reading our blog posts. Happy packaging ~ don’t underestimate how close the silly season is and time to get busy!

We would love you to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you :)




We are a leading manufacturer of plain and printed polythene bags, mailing bags, tissue paper, bubble wrap, design & bespoked