When was the last time?

4 min readSep 18, 2017
Can you remember the last time you wrote a letter?…..

Thinking honestly now, can you remember the last time you sat down picked up a pen and paper and wrote a real physical letter?…… gosh I can’t! It really is quite sad that this is a dying art.

I used to love nothing more than sitting down, usually in the evenings or a rainy Sunday afternoon, pick up my pen “my good pen” and paper then start to write away to friends that were too far away to visit every week. I even used to chuckle as the story unfolded, giggling at the memories and imagining how the recipient would laugh as a result of reading my ‘pen to paper’ uttering.

Can you remember the last real letter you received? I am not talking about a bill, insurance quote or even a sales pitch, forgetting the big brown ones that land on the mat!…..I mean a real sit down with a cuppa and have read and catch up with a friend or relative. Reading in expectation of what is coming, smiling out loud as you can picture the goings on in far away places with loved ones and close friends. That feeling of connection and if well enough written you could actually feel like you were there next to them chatting away. On occasion, I found myself (now please don’t tell anybody…) speaking out loud in answer to the letter :) — those days really do feel long gone now!

The writing of and receiving an email does not have the same impact. Very sterile and work like. Yes it serves a purpose and gets the message across but something is missing, don’t you think? Emails in the work place, of course, are the best way, but, you can’t beat that personal touch for a personal message!

We all have the excuses……

Too busy.

Don’t have the time to sit and write.

Can’t find my address book.

The post box is too far away.

No envelopes.

No stamps.

Why bother?

….. the list in endless with petty little excuses. The reality is that we have all become far to lazy! YES even you……

This simple act of showing somebody that you care enough to spend the time writing and getting in touch can mean so much to the person you are writing to. Wither it be a grandchild writing to their Grandparent or perhaps a long lost friend or even just to a loving partner, it really could mean so much.

A moment in time, your time, captured forever!

It’s not just the act of writing that letter, your words and sentiments become cherished memories. Often never thrown away and kept for years to come.

It leaves a big imprint in so many different ways. Have you ever come across an old letter and when you open it and re-read, it takes you back to a happy time, place or memory? The same can be said about sad news too, of course!

Have you ever discovered old letters from a family home and when you read them it made you aware of situations and things that have happened in the past, perhaps bring situations to light that you otherwise, knew nothing about! Many discoveries are made by reading old findings found in Grannies attic! I don’t think we can say the same will happen with old emails in the decades to come — what do you think?

Have you ever discovered a letter in the handwriting of a person dear to your heart and perhaps they are no longer with us? How does that make you feel? How would it make you feel if, in the years to come, you could do the same?

Having written this blog I now feel the urge to set my pen to paper…… why don’t you give it a try. There is a real sense of satisfaction in writing a proper letter to that somebody special. Even better is when you get a response!

To make your efforts a little trendy you can even get some great stamps! Check these out for a great place to start :- http://bit.ly/special-stampsmay the force be with you!”

We all have our favourites!

Even if you are sending a little present or a simple birthday card it is worth slipping in a little hand written note, it shows you care — that extra effort goes a long way and speaks volumes!

You know where to come for all your extra packaging solutions ~ don’t you…

Create your own treasures now for time to come! Leave your stamp in this world!

Have a great week everyone and chat soon.

Poly Postal Packaging

Hey this would make a great stamp! What do you think? ;)




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